- 渡辺祐基: 第25回国際昆虫学会議(ICE 2016)セッション「木材害虫の世界的展望」に参加して, しろあり, 167, 50-55 (2017)
- 簗瀬佳之: 第6章 メンテナンスを考えよう!,井上雅文ら編“木力検定4 木造住宅を学ぶ100問”, 海青社, 大津, pp94-103 (2017)
- 簗瀬佳之: 木造建築物におけるシロアリ食害の非破壊検出, 木材工業, 72: 296-300 (2017)
- Himmi S K, Yoshimura T, Yanase Y, Torigoe T, Akada M, Ikeda M, Imazu S, Volume Visualization of Hidden Gallery System of Drywood Termite Using Computed Tomography: A New Approach on Monitoring of Termite Infestation. In: McLellan B (ed) Sustainable Future for Human Security. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-5430-3_6, pp61-68 (2017)
- 簗瀬 佳之: 日本全国シロアリ分布図について, しろあり,164,36-38 (2015)
- Hiroyoshi Togo, Soichi Oka, Yoshihisa Fujii, Yuko Fujiwara (Cowriter): Nondestructive Visualization Using Electromagnetic Waves for Real and Practical Sensing technology for Robotics, Integrated Imaging and Vision Techniques for Industrial Inspection edited by Zheng Liu, Hiroyuki Ukida, Pradeep Ramuhalli, Kurt Niel, Springer-Verlag London, pp.413-482 (2015)
- 藤井 義久: 木質材料研究における「先端」と「伝統」, 材料, 63(9), 691- (2014)
- 奥村正悟(分担執筆), 藤井義久(分担執筆), 藤原裕子(分担執筆):木材加工用語辞典, 海青社, 大津市, 2013
- 奥村正悟:製材・機械加工研究の現状と展望, 木材工業, 68(1), 2-7 (2013)
- 藤井 義久:東日本大震災と遣欧使節船サン・ファン・バウティスタ号, 木材保存, 39(2), 97-100 (2013)
- 簗瀬 佳之:木造建築物におけるシロアリ食害の非破壊検出のためのアコースティック・エミッションおよびガスモニタリング法の開発, しろあり(160), 1-6 (2013)
- 簗瀬佳之(分担執筆): シロアリの事典, 海青社, 大津市 (2012)
- 澤田 豊(分担執筆): 木力検定(1)木を学ぶ100問, 海青社, 大津市 (2012)
- 藤井義久:アメリカカンザイシロアリ対策の今後, agreeable, 18, 4 (2011)
- 簗瀬佳之, 森 拓郎, 土居修一:ジョグジャカルタの王宮型および住居型ジョグロ建築のシロアリ被害調査, しろあり, (156), 7-12 (2011)
- 森 拓郎, 簗瀬佳之:超音波伝搬速度とシロアリ食害材の曲げ及び圧縮強度特性との関係, 検査技術, 16(6), 63-70 (2011)
- 藤井義久:日本におけるアメリカカンザイシロアリの現状は?, 木材工業, 65(11), 554 (2010)
- 簗瀬佳之:アメリカカンザイシロアリの探知技術に関する最新動向 (特集 アメリカカンザイシロアリの被害と防除), 住宅と木材, 33(390), 18-23 (2010)
- Watanabe H, Yanase Y, Fujii Y, Continuous nondestructive monitoring of larval feeding activity and development of the bamboo powderpost beetle Dinoderus minutus using acoustic emission., J Wood Sci, 64:138-148 (2018)
- 藤井義久, 藤原裕子, 鈴木祥之, 加子母明治座の耐久性調査, 歴史都市防災論文集, vol.11, pp255-258 (2017)
- Watanabe H, Yanase Y, Fujii Y (2017) Nondestructive evaluation of egg-to-adult development and feeding behavior of the bamboo powderpost beetle Dinoderus minutus using X-ray computed tomography, J Wood Sci, 63:506-513 (2017)
- Yosuke Matsuda, Yuko Fujiwara, Koji Murata, Yoshihisa Fujii, Residual strain analysis with digital image correlation method for subsurface damage evaluation of hinoki (Chamaecyparis obtusa) finished by slow-speed orthogonal cutting, Journal of Wood Science, 63:615-624 (2017)
- 佐藤 あさひ, 藤原裕子, 仲村匡司, 高妻洋成, 藤井義久, 礎石と接触している木材の白化部分に存在する物質の推定, 木材保存, 43 (3) 139-147 (2017)
- 竹口 彩; 藤原裕子; 藤井義久; 木川りか; 佐藤嘉則; 古田嶋智子; 犬塚将英: 湿度制御した温風処理による漆仕上げ材の表面ひずみの測定, 保存科学, 56, 165-174 (2017)
- Watanabe H, Yanase Y, Fujii Y: Relationship between the movements of the mouthparts of the bamboo powder-post beetle Dinoderus minutus and the generation of acoustic emission, Journal of Wood Science 62(1), 85-92 (2016)
- 兵道健太; 藤井義久: 燃料としての木炭の品質評価に関する考察, 森林研究, 79, 43-53 (2016)
- Himmi S K, Yoshimura T, Yanase Y, Oya M, Torigoe T, Akada M, Imazu S: Nest-Gallery Development and Caste Composition of Isolated Foraging Groups of the Drywood Termite, Incisitermes minor (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae), Insects, 7(3), doi:10.3390/insects7030038(2016)
- S. Khoirul Himmi, Tsuyoshi Yoshimura, Yoshiyuki Yanase, Takuro Mori, Toshiyuki Torigoe, Setsuo Imazu: Wood anatomical selectivity of drywood termite in the nest-gallery establishment revealed by X-ray tomography, Wood Science and Technology, 50(3), 631-643(2016)
- 森 拓郎、田中 圭、毛利悠平、簗瀬佳之、井上正文、五十田博:シロアリ食害を受けた木材に打ち込まれた木ねじ接合部の残存耐力に関する研究,日本建築学会構造系論文集, 81(725), 1113-1120(2016)
- Hiroki Watanabe, Yoshiyuki Yanase, Yoshihisa Fujii: Evaluation of larval growth process and bamboo consumption of the bamboo powder-post beetle Dinoderus minutus using X-ray computed tomography,Journal of Wood Science 61(2), 171-177 (2015)
- 澤田 豊 , 松本 朗子 , 藤井 義久: パターン認識によるラジアータパイン材における青変部位の自動認識, 木材学会誌, 61,(4), 274-279 (2015)
- Yosuke Matsuda; Yuko Fujiwara; Yoshihisa Fujii:Observation of machined surface and subsurface structure of hinoki (Chamaecyparis obtusa) produced in slow-speed orthogonal cutting using X-ray computed tomography, Journal of Wood Science, 61(2), 128-135 (2015)
- 森山 友紀子; 澤田 豊; 藤井 義久; 奥村 正悟:木橋敷板接合面への水の浸入に対する伝統的工法の効果, 木材保存, 41(5), 213-219 (2015)
- 栗崎 宏; 藤井 義久; 簗瀬 佳之; 西川 智子; 中野 ひとみ; 瀬川 真未; 清水 秀丸:伝統的木構造物で使用される銅金物の劣化抑制への寄与(第Ⅰ報)-京都三条大橋欄干の蛍光X 線分析-, 木材保存, 41(6), 256-263 (2015)
- 簗瀬 佳之, 森 拓郎, 吉村 剛, 藤原 裕子, 藤井 義久, 鳥越 俊行, 今津 節生: アメリカ乾材シロアリ食害材の空隙率と残存曲げ強度の関係, 材料, 63(4):320-325 (2014)
- 田中 聡一, 藤原 裕子, 藤井 義久, 奥村 正悟, 都甲 浩芳: 木材のミリ波透過像に及ぼす回折の影響, 材料, 63, (4), 326-330 (2014)
- Soichi Tanaka; Keiichiro Shiraga; Yuichi Ogawa; Yoshihisa Fujii; Shogo Okumura:Applicability of effective medium theory to wood density measurements using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy Journal of Wood Science, 60(2), 111-116 (2014)
- Soichi Tanaka; Keiichiro Shiraga; Yuichi Ogawa; Yoshihisa Fujii; Shogo Okumura: Effect of pore conformation on dielectric anisotropy of oven-dry wood evaluated using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy and eigenvalue problems for two-dimensional photonic crystals Journal of Wood Science, 60(3), 194-200 (2014)
- 森 拓郎、田中 圭、河野孝太郎、中畑拓巳、簗瀬佳之、栗﨑 宏 腐朽したスギ材に打込まれた釘の一面せん断耐力の推定 ,材料,63,(4),314-319 (2014)
- Himmi S K, Yoshimura T, Yanase Y, Oya M, Torigoe T,Imazu S : X-ray tomographic analysis of the initial structure of the royal chamber and the nest-founding behavior of the drywood termite Incisitermes minor, Journal of Wood Science, 60, 6, 453-460 (2014)
- Fujii Y, Fujiwara Y, Yanase Y, Mori T, Yoshimura T, Nakajima M, Tsusumi H, Mori M, and Kurisaki H: Development of Radar Apparatus for Scanning of Wooden-wall to Evaluate Inner Structure and Bio-degradation Non-destructively, Advanced Materials Research 778: 289-294 (2013)
- Yanase Y, Maruyama S, Fujii Y, Okumura S and Yoshimura T: Detection of hydrogen and methane emitted by feeding activity of termite under forced ventilation, Japanese Journal of Environmental Entomology and Zoology, 24:97-105 (2013)
- Yanase Y, Miura M, Fujii Y, Okumura S and Yoshimura T: Evaluation of the concentrations of hydrogen and methane emitted by termite using a semiconductor gas sensor, Journal of Wood Science 59:243-248(2013)
- Soichi Tanaka, Yuko Fujiwara, Yoshihisa Fujii, Shogo Okumura, Hiroyoshi Togo, Naoya Kukutsu and Shoji Mochizuki: Dielectric anisotropy of oven- and air-dried wood evaluated using a free space millimeter wave, J Wood Sci, 59:367-374 (2013)
- Soichi Tanaka, Yuko Fujiwara, Yoshihisa Fujii, Shogo Okumura, Hiroyoshi Togo, Naoya Kukutsu, Shoji Mochizuki: Effect of annual rings on transmission of 100 GHz millimeter waves through wood, J Wood Sci, 59:375-382 (2013)
- 簗瀬 佳之, 丸山 周, 藤井 義久: 強制換気下におけるシロアリの摂食活動から発生する水素およびメタンの検出, 環動昆, 24, (3), 97-105 (2013)
- 森 拓郎,簗瀬佳之,田中 圭,河野孝太郎,野田康信,森 満範,栗﨑 宏,小松幸平: 生物劣化を受けた木材の曲げ及び圧縮強度特性とその劣化評価, 材料, 62:280-285 (2013)
- 藤本 清彦, 高野 勉, 奥村 正悟: 切削前に被削材に水分を与えることによる丸鋸切削時に発生する浮遊粉塵の低減, 木材学会誌, 59(3):146-151 (2013)
- 藤井義久, 藤原裕子, 鈴木祥之:インターネット対応型の木造建築物の維持管理データベースの構築 - 加悦地区を事例として, 歴史都市防災論文集, 6, 345-348, (2012)
- 藤井 義久, 藤原 裕子, 木川 りか : 伝統的木造建築の屋根部にみられる生物劣化の特徴,保存科学 (52), 249-259, (2012)
- 簗瀬佳之,森 拓郎,藤原裕子,南 宗和 : 日本におけるアメリカカンザイシロアリの木造住宅被害の調査研究 : 木造住宅の被害程度と被害木材の残存耐力評価, 住宅総合研究財団研究論文集, 38, 245-256, (2012)
- Yanase Y, Fujii Y, Okumura S and Yoshimura T: Detection of metabolic gas emitted by termites using semiconductor gas sensors, Forest Products Journal, 62:579-583(2012)
- 藤井義久, 藤原裕子, 木川りか:ガンマ線および穿孔抵抗を用いた木製柱の内部劣化の診断, 保存科学, 51, 227-233 (2011)
- 簗瀬佳之, 森 拓郎, 藤原裕子:日本におけるアメリカカンザイシロアリの木造住宅被害の調査研究 : 木造住宅の被害程度と被害木材の残存耐力評価, 住宅総合研究財団研究論文集, (38), 245-256 (2011)
- 藤原裕子, 藤井義久, 木川りか:こけら屋根に用いた銅板の防腐効果について, 保存科学, 51, 313-319 (2011)
- 藤原裕子, 藤井義久, 須田 達, 鈴木祥之:加悦伝建地区の木造建築物の生物劣化調査, 歴史都市防災論文集, 5, 311-314 (2011)
- S. Tanaka, Y. Fujiwara, Y. Fujii, S. Okumura, and H. Togo, et al : Effect of grain direction on transmittance of 100-GHz millimeter wave for hinoki (Chamaecyparis obtusa), Journal of Wood Science, 57(3), 189-194 (2011)
- Kiyohiko Fujimoto, Tsutomu Takano, Shogo Okumura:Difference in mass concentration of airborne dust during circular sawing of five wood-based materials, J Wood Sci (2013) 59, 243-248 (2011)
- 藤本清彦, 高野 勉, 奥村正悟:スギの丸鋸切削時に発生する浮遊粉塵の質量濃度に及ぼす切削条件および被削材含水率の影響, 木材学会誌, 57(3), 129-135 (2011)
- 大越 誠, 山崎真吾, 野口希恵, 古田裕三, 藤原裕子:塗装オーク材の接触感における高齢者と若年者の相違, 材料, 60(4), 293-299 (2011)
- 外池知靖, 大越 誠, 古田裕三, 藤原裕子:虎斑の現れたミズナラ材表面の視覚特性, 材料, 60(4), 288-292 (2011)
- 藤井義久, 藤原裕子, 木川りか, 原島 誠、喜友名 朝彦, 杉山純多, 早川典子, 川野邊 渉:厳島神社大鳥居の生物劣化調査, 保存科学, 50, 157-172 (2010)
- 藤井義久, 藤原裕子, 須田 達, 鈴木祥之, 喜友名 朝彦,杉山純多,小峰幸夫,木川りか,川野邊 渉:東本願寺阿弥陀堂の生物劣化調査, 保存科学, 50, 173-184 (2010)
- 藤井義久, 藤原裕子, 木川りか, 川野邊 渉, 永石憲道, 中嶋啓二:ガンマ線を用いた木製円柱の内部劣化の検出, 保存科学, 50, 185-190 (2010)
- 土屋 敦, 藤原 裕子, 奥村 正悟: 窒化クロムコーティング工具の切削性能と摩耗特性(第2報) スプルース柾目面回転切削で摩耗した工具の切屑生成能, 木材学会誌 Vol. 56, No. 1, 1-8 (2010)
- 柳田俊一,藤原裕子,藤井義久: 画像処理技術を用いた材料表面の粗さ評価や色調補正のアルゴリズムの開発, 検査技術, 15(10), 8-13 (2010)
- 永妻忠夫, 都甲浩芳, 望月章志, 久々津 直哉, 藤井義久: ミリ波の構造物診断技術への応用, 計測技術, 38(12), 21-25 (2010)
- 森 拓郎, 香束章博, 簗瀬佳之, 小松幸平 : シロアリ食害材の強度特性と密度および超音波伝搬速度の関係, 材料, 59(4), 297-302 (2010)
- Yanase Y, Fujiwara Y, Fujii Y, Mori T, Yoshimura T, Doi S, Evaluation of Particulate Materials as a Physical Barrier against Termites under Floor of Experiment House. In: Proceedings of the 48th Int Res Group on Wood Protection Annual Meeting, Ghent, Belgium, 4-8 June, Document No.IRG/WP/14-10821(2017)
- Watanabe H, Yanase Y, Fujii Y: Nondestructive analysis of oviposition of the bamboo powderpost beetle Dinoderus minutus using acoustic emission and X-ray CT, In: Proceedings of the 48th Int Res Group on Wood Protection Annual Meeting, Ghent, Belgium, IRG/WP 17-10889 (2017)
- Hiroki Watanabe, Yoshiyuki Yanase, Yoshihisa Fujii: Nondestructive evaluation of development and feeding of the bamboo powderpost beetle Dinoderus minutus using X-ray CT and acoustic emission monitoring, The XXV International Congress of Entomology, Orlando, The USA, 25-30 Sep. (2016)
- Watanabe H, Yanase Y, Fujii Y: Evaluation of larval feeding activity of the bamboo powder-post beetle Dinoderus minutus using acoustic emission monitoring, International Symposium on Wood Science and Technology 2015 Abstract Book, Tokyo, Japan, 207 (2015)
- Norihiko Yamada, Tomoyuki Ishizaka, Kijuro Fukuju, Yoshihisa Fujii: Development of a log-house-type dryer using solar energy II Efficiency for solar energy utilization, Proceedings of 22nd International Wood Machining Seminar, 2, 146-153 (2015)
- Norihiko Yamada, Tomoyuki Ishizaka, Yoshihisa Fujii, Shogo Okumura: Development of a Log-House-Type Lumber Dryer using Solar Energy, Proceedings of 22nd International Wood Machining Seminar, 1, 483-490 (2015)
- Y.Fujii: FEM analysis of cutting process of wood for better understanding of Japanese traditional carpenter work, Proceedings of the Fourth Asian Conference on Mechanics of Functional Materials and Structures, pp.25-28, Oct.10-13, Nara, Japan (2014)
- Y.Matsuda, Y.Fujiwara, K.Murata, Y.Fujii: Evaluation of strain distribution in wood cutting using DIC method and its relationship to chip formation, Proceedings of the Fourth Asian Conference on Mechanics of Functional Materials and Structures, pp.77-78, Oct.10-13, Nara, Japan (2014)
- Watanabe H, Yanase Y, Fujii Y: Observation of boring process of larvae of the bamboo powder-post beetle (Dinoderus minutus) using X-ray computer tomography, Proceedings IRG Annual Meeting, St. George, Utah, USA, IRG/WP 14-10821 (2014)
- Yoshihisa Fujii, Yuko Fujiwara, Yoshiyuki Yanase, Takuro Mori, Tsuyoshi Yoshimura, Masao Nakajima, Hiroki, Tsutsumi, Mitsunori Mori, Hiroshi Kurisaki: Development of Radar Apparatus for Scanning of Wooden-wall to Evaluate Inner Structure and Bio-degradation Non-destructively, 2nd International Conference on Structral Health Assessment of timber Structures, Sep. 4-6, 2013, Trento
- Yanase Y, Fujiwara Y, Fujii Y, Mori T, Yoshimura T, Prihatmaji YP, Sulistyo J and Doi S: Nondestructive Inspection of Biodeterioration in Japanese and Indonesian Wooden Constructions Using Ultrasonic Technology In: Proceedings of the International Seminar on Innovation in Technology and Policy for Affordable Housing, Medan, 2013, 10 Dec
- Norihiko Yamada; Tomoyuki Ishizaka; Yoshihisa Fujii; Shogo Okumura: Development of a Log-House-Type Lumber Dryer using Solar EnergyProceedings of 21st International Wood Machining Seminar, 483-490 (2013)
- Y. Fujiwara, Y. Fujii, S. Tanaka, S. Okumura, H. Togo, S. Mochizuki, T. Kojima, N. Kukutsu: Feasibility of imaging technology using micro- and millimeter wave for nondestructive inspection of wooden buildings. Advanced Electromagnetics Symposium, AES 2012, 16-19 APRIL 2012, PARIS-FRANCE
- Mori T, Kawano K, Tanaka K, Yanase Y, Kurisaki H, Mori M, Noda Y, Inoue M, Hayashi Y and Komatsu K Propose of decay-acceleration method for real size column-sill joint and evaluation of strength properties In: Proceedings of The World Conference on Timber Engineering 2012, Auckland, 16-19 Jul (2012)
- Y. Fujii: Review and future scope on the methods for non-destructive evaluation of bio-degradation in wooden historical properties in Japan. Wood Culture and Science Kyoto 2011 Uji (Kyoto University), Japan, 19-24 June(2011)
- Yanase Y, Mori T, Prihatmaji YP, Yusf S, Ismayati M, Sulistyo J, Inayah Z and Doi S Investigation of Biodeterioration in Indonesian Traditional Wooden Structure of "Joglo" In: Proceedings of The 3rd International Symp of Indonesian Wood Research Society, Jogjakarta, 3-4 Nov (2011)
- Yanase Y, Mori T, Prihatmaji YP, Yusf S, Ismayati M, Sulistyo J, Inayah Z and Doi S Investigation of biodeterioration in Indonesian traditional wooden structure of "Joglo" Part 2: A case study in area of Kotagete In: Proceedings of The Wood Culture and Science Kyoto 2011, Uji, 6-9 Aug, pp262-263
- Y Fujiwara, Y. Yoshihisa, M. Uemura: Applicability of profilometers to infer the shape of knives from knife marks left on the surface of wooden cultural properties. Wood Culture and Science Kyoto 2011 Uji (Kyoto University), Japan, 19-24 June(2011)
- Mori T, Yanase Y, Nukumizu S, Tanaka K, Kurisaki H, Komatsu K Shear Strength Properties of Nail Embedded Wood Attacked by Brown Rot Fungi by Comparison with Duration of Decay In: Proceedings of The 3rd International Symp of Indonesian Wood Research Society, Jogjakarta, 3-4 Nov (2011)
- Mori T, Yanase Y, Prihatmaji YP, Yusf S, Ismayati M, Sulistyo J, Inayah Z and Doi S Investigation of biodeterioration in Indonesian traditional wooden structure of "Joglo" Part 1: A case study in Sultan Palace In: Proceedings of The Wood Culture and Science Kyoto 2011, Uji, 6-9 Aug, pp260-261 (2011)
- Y. Fujii, Y. Fujiwara, R. Kigawa, T. Suda, and Y. Suzuki: Characteristics and diagnosing technology of biodegradation in wooden historical buildings A case study on Amida-do in Higashi Hongan-ji Temple in Kyoto. World Conference on Timber Engineering 2010 Riva del Garda (TN), Italy, 19-24 June(2010)
- Y. Fujii, Y. Fujiwara, S. Tanaka, S. Okumura , H. Togo, A. Mochizuki, N. Kukutsu: Feasibility of millimeter wave imaging as tool for nondestructive inspection of wood and wooden structures35th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, Roma, 6-10, Sep.(2010)
- Yoshimura T, Itakura S, Ohmura W, Yanase Y and Mori T: Spreading of infestation of the invasive dry-wood termite Incisitermes minor in Japan ? Japanese perspectives, In: Proceedings of the IUSSI 2010, Copenhagen, 8-14 Aug, p39